Hi everyone, its blog time again and I thought that I might this time give a little time to talk about my recent experiences in the January to March period. Are you sitting comfortably then I shall begin.
January 2011
Well the year started off slowly for me at the studios, perhaps it was the recovery from the christmas celebrations, the excitement of a new year in prospect or perhaps something else. Well January was slow, very little was happening and I took time out to rethink about what I wanted to do in the coming 12 months.
My first project for the year was to sift through a number of models who had applied for the MUSE project that I was planning to run from April to March 2012 so this took a lot of my time. Lots of applications, sortlisting and discussions with my Makeup Artist Gemma Lawrance about who to include and we got it down to six possibles. Out of the six I sent out the questions and only three bothered to reply to me, still three is better than none. I worked through the answers sent in and one model stood out as being ideal in that she was keen to do the 12 months work and had a versility that would be need for such a project. Thanks to Holly (Holbot) who was selected, we are now planning out what we can do and we have a lot of ideas to work on from full body-painting to location work.
February 2011
This month held a lot of promise for me in that I had been working for some time to secure the services of the superb model Raphiella Macnamara for a shoot at the studios. So naturally we had something to look forward to and this stunning young lady, trained dancer and professional photographic model arrived.
A number of regular users at the studios wanted to work with her and she really delivered quality work to all the photographers who booked her. A stunning young lady whom I would love to have back at the studios again in the not too distant future. The rest of the month being a short one passed with very little problems except that it seemed to drag somewhat as I had arranged to get out of the studios and go on location with the Wonderful Michelle Hush in North Wales with a fellow photographer Lance Burkitt.
March 2011.
North wales a blustery day, sunshine, a slight dabble of rain, stormy clouds, overcast and outstanding sands at Talacre Beach gave us some stunning images on the day, it was over very quickly but the memory of being outside in the open air will stay with me for some time, so planning for the next one in May/June time.
Well the month will get on without any further comments needed, looking forward to April for Lady Tathiel and for the stunning Ivory Flame in May so lots of good shots in pospect as well as a trip out into the countryside or seaside again.
Till next time, keep your lens clean, your battery charged and enjoy your photography.