Thursday, 22 December 2016

Christmas is fast approaching and the New Year is waiting in the wings for 2017 to start.  Its been a very interesting year for me, lots of new ideas, shoots and meeting more creatives over the past twelve months, with that in mind its time to perhaps take stock of the situation and look forward to what is coming up.
My plans for the calender were delayed and now things are in place for a 2018 launch as I have more time and more importantly more funds available for that project.   The Photobook that I started is now taking shape and will be completed mid 2017 hopefully, its going to be something that I wanted to do and will finally be done in very high quality.  More and more shoots are being planned with a number of models, that are new to me and one in particular that has become my current muse, with whom I want to do a considerable number of shoots in the coming months and already have plans in place to work with.
Gear wise this year I will be expanding my studio equipment to have more professional lights available from April time and new stands/backdrops arriving in the early february period.  I am also adding a couple more cameras to my collection and a few new lenses that will be of use to me in the year of intense shooting that I have planned, having reached 60 I will have more time to work on these projects.
Ok enough of the text and more of the pictures that I am sure you will be happy to see on here, this is just a selection of some of the work that I have done over the past 12 months so sit back and enjoy.

Ok its time to wrap things up for this blog, thanks for viewing and if you want to put a comment on the bottom please do so if you have liked what you have seen.

My plans for the 2017 are extensive and I hope to complete them in stages so I will be posting more regular blogs as the new year goes on and projects are completed.  Naturally it will be interesting to see the results that can be created and I hope that you will enjoy my work as I present it too you all.

Again thanks for 2016 see you in the next one.  Paul Rowe, Photographer and Creative.