Sunday, 1 May 2011

The Time for Change.. A Happy Future.

A change is as good as a rest they say, well its time for a change and I can feel it in the air..  For a number of years many of you will know that I have run a photographic studios and business and that I have enjoyed every minute of it.  The only problem has been that enjoying and making a living out of something is two different things.  Following long discussions over months I have made a number of decisions about the future direction of things and this will become apparant in future postings.  My focus, pardon the pun, will now be clearly taken away from the model/studio hire area and move more over to a Commercial footing covering Legal, Eventing, Portraits, Corporate and Wedding Photography in the future months.  This will lead on to the establishment of a new studio complex with a number of other people with whom I have had the pleasure to be associated for a number of years. 

Can you feel the Force.

Why is this happening, I think its also been caused by the current state of the model/studio day situdation and hire position with studios throughout the UK with more and more models running uninsured shoots at home, constant no-shows from would be professional models and photographers who keep on changing their minds about shoot dates.  The industy is full of fools who like the tag Movel and then want to strip the hard earned cash from every joe bloggs out there, the problem is that there are far too many GWC's (Guys with Cameras) who give the industry a bad name as all they want is to see a bit of Tit and Arse to get them going....  Yep I said it like it is.

True professional photographers are faced with a constant stream of TF demands from models and very little in return, their work is liked but models dont want to pay for their services cause they think they can get the same on the cheep from the bloke in the pub for free.  Yea think about the years people have studied, the investment in kit and gear, the amount of testing and checking of equipment, the cost of hiring studios to perfect their art and then the movels want everything for free.

Regulation.  Yep its a strong word but its about time that all photographers were regulated properly and their experience and skills properly rewarded by people entering the industry and not exploited.

All for now, yep on a positive note I am looking foward to a trip back to Talacre Beach in North Wales in Early June and am getting excited about the chance to work on location in some sunshine at a beach...

Times are a changing, thats all for now see you soon.

Recent Pictures from shoot with SarahJane

1 comment:

  1. well said Paul these people give us a bad name and no money :o)
