Thursday, 30 June 2011


Hi again everyone, each day is challenge to the photographer, many struggle to pay the bills, get in new clients and generally manage to earn a crust to keep going.  Yep people who work hard should be rewarded and thos who sit on their behinds should get a good kicking I feel.  This month we have been working on making the studios more user friendly with improvements to increase your enjoyment and to make the studios more practical in workspace and the administration areas.  As you will see from the pictures below things are coming along well and we are making things ready for the move to the new studios as and when it happens.  Yep a lot of you have been asking the question as to where we are going and where is the studio relocating too... sorry can't say just yet but you will be told when things have been signed, sealed and delivered to confirm the move, can't say fairer than that.

In the interim some pictures of the current improvements to the place that you might like.

I'm reminded of the past and talking to other tenants in the business park its clear that time has truly passed swiftly with many not realizing that we have been at the current studios for the past 5 years.

Time for a change perhaps, yep this is a good time to do this and I feel that the improvements that will occur as a result will outweigh the extra costs with benefits for all users in the long term.

On a final note I did wonder about this and noted that a competitor started using the words Limited on his business, naturally interested I checked with companies house and noted that the business was not registered with them, just a quick note to the person if they read this is that Messrs Inland and Revenue will take a dim view of anyone purporting to be a limited company when they are not.   

Ohh the joys of photography.  See you all again soon folks.

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